
Discussing the need for a new CAA Special Interest Group on chronological modelling

Eythan Levy, Thomas Huet, Florian Thiery, Allard W. Mees


… Chalcolithic occurs before Bell Beaker …


Chronological turn

‘Monument druidique près de Gisors’ 1824
Stack of information layer in a GIS

Proposed framework


  • Asynchronous

  • Distributed

  • Project-based

Data papers

Building a framework to facilitate the publication of papers on temporal data alongside research papers

Very unprecise
Very precise


Git, distributed version control system:

  • GitHub https://github.com

  • GitLab https://gitlab.com

    is the 🔝 popular web-platform for source code management and software development (with over 128 million public repositories)


Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) Specification ISO 8601-2019 https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/

Use of CIDOC-CRM, promoting good practices

flowchart LR
    A("-7XX/-509") --P170 defines time--> B("E52 Time-Span");
    B --P1 is identified by--> C(Pre-Roman republic);

Scripting Languages

  • is the 1st used worldwide and the 2nd used by archaeologists.

  • is a scripting language for data science, is the 1st used by archaeologists but only the 18th worldwide

CAA State of the art

CAA Special Interest Groups

SIG https://caa-international.org/special-interest-groups/

  • Complex Systems Simulation
  • Computer Programs for Archaeologists
  • Mobile GIS
  • 3D spatial analysis
  • Scientific Scripting Languages in Archaeology
  • Semantics and LOUD in Archaeology
  • Archaeological Practices and Knowledge Work
  • Computationally Modeling Water-based Movement

CAA SIG SSLA and Data Dragons

Special Interest Group on Scientific Scripting Languages in Archaeology

Sibling projects

Historical Time Representation


Open talk